< jaye chen portfolio >





< bio >

I write poetry, fiction, criticism, and screenplays. My writing has appeared in poets.org and Screen Slate. My first chapbook is Monsoons (2024, Bottlecap Press). I won an Academy of American Poets College Prize for my poetry and a LGBT Studies Prize for my senior essay on Qiu Miaojin's Notes of a Crocodile.

I make data models for a living, and sometimes I do data analysis for fun. I am a part-time Research Associate at BISR. I graduated from Yale in 2024 with a degree in Math and English. Outside of writing, I am interested in AI/ML, probability, algorithmic justice, critical theory, psychoanalysis, queer Sinophone studies, trans literature, and computational literary studies. I live in Brooklyn.

areas under construction / books i've read

< selected work >

essays & criticism

  1. fish sauce metonymy: on vi khi nao's the italy letters in cleveland review of books
  2. madam satan in screen slate
  3. the art of un-war in screen slate


  1. monsoons, a chapbook via bottlecap press
  2. altars for hetairai, poets.org
  3. chorus, KI
  4. spine poem, e.ratio
  5. 4 poems, DIAGRAM
  6. other poems in no, dear


  1. fiction in babel between us, a literary experiment in digital ethnography


  1. map of world cities that share the same name with american cities
  2. how many couples of the same name are there?
  3. why you should learn to code (and how)


  1. dead zines (@deadzines on twitter)
  2. an alternative rice purity test
  3. my intro to chinese shoegaze

< contact >

you can reach me by email and twitter!


< forks>

math & algorithms

I'm interested in probability, non-Bayesian paradigms, probablistic machine learning, and computational literary studies. I'm especially interested in applications of category theory to ML and algorithmic justice. In college I spent a lot of time learning about cryptography and quantum computing. My senior project was on the irreducible representations of symmetric groups and the ring of symmetric functions.


i'm interested in globalized "new waves" and queer cinema. i'm currently writing a short film about an aging anthropologist's unexpected reunion with her estranged daughter.


in college i played bass and sang vocals in a band called inverse cowgirl. i play a lot of ragtime piano and write ambient music. i grew up listening to all kinds of chinese indie music: e.g. chinese shoegaze

queer China

My senior thesis in English was an existentialist reading of Qiu Miaojin's Notes of a Crocodile, where I especially focused on queer modernism's global legacies. An earlier draft of my thesis (perhaps too ambitiously) sought to define a localized genealogy of queer Sinophone literature starting from 1960s Taiwan. I keep up with queer Sinophone scholarship and write about queer China.

manuscripts & archives

I had the fortune to work with many manuscripts and archives in college and learned to read secretary hand. I transcribed all the food entries from Thomas Turner's diaries.